My Magazine

Lorena's fashion style....

Lorena's elegance and innate style have often found a natural connection as an ambassador for fashion and luxury brands. The image of an artist always being important. Fashion is, along with art [...]

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English Interview - Book : "The Rose Garden of Ballet star Lorena Baricalla"

English Interview  Book: "The Rose Garden of the ballet star Lorena Baricalla"  Internationally recognized Lorena Baricalla is a multi-talented artist and innovator. A visionary whose [...]

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L'interview en français avec Mario Mercier de Tera Cotta Media - La beauté, la vie, les roses

Une interview en français avec Mario Mercier de Tera Cotta Media. Une conversation très interessante dans laquelle Lorena Baricalla raconte sa vision de la beauté et de la [...]

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En français ! Mon interview télévisée sur Monaco Info TV

En français ! My interview on TV Monaco Info by journalist Yannick Debever about my Trilogy of "Origins-The Answer", a book which is the base also for an international project with a big show [...]

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The interview for Happy Conversation Show

Watch Lorena Baricalla's interview by Happy Bains for Happy Conversation Show! Her motto is “Living Life with Intensity”! The article by Happy Bains: "Lorena Baricalla is a flourishing [...]

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